Wednesday, April 19, 2006 |
09:00 am |
Registration |
09:45 am |
Opening session |
Joachim Posegga, Josep Domingo
Ferrer |
10:00 am |
Invited talk |
Bart Preneel |
11:15 am |
Coffee |
11:45 am |
Session - I: Smart Card Applications (Chair: Bart Preneel) |
Design, Installation & Execution of a Security Agent for Mobile Stations |
William G. Sirett, John A. MacDonald, Keith Mayes, and Konstantinos Markantonakis |
Towards a Secure and Practical Multifunctional Smart Card |
Idir Bakdi |
Implementing Cryptography on TFT Technology for Secure Display |
Petros Oikonomakosm, Jacques Fournier, and Simon Moore |
01:00 pm |
Lunch |
02:45 pm |
Session - II: Side Channel Attacks (Chair: Eduard de Jong) |
Generic Cryptanalysis of Combined Countermeasures with Randomized BSD Representations |
Tae Hyun Kim, Dong-Guk Han, Katsuyuki Okeya, and Jongin Lim |
Amplifying Side-Channel Attacks with Techniques from Block Cipher Cryptanalysis |
Raphael C.-W. Phan, and Sung-Ming Yen |
Power Analysis to ECC Using Differential Power between Multiplication and Squaring |
Toru Akishita and Tsuyoshi Takagi |
04:00 pm |
Coffee |
4:30 pm |
Session - III: Smart Card Applications (Chair: Jean-Jacques Quisquater) |
A Smart Card-Based Mental Poker System |
Jordi Castellà-Roca, Josep Domingo-Ferrer, and Francesc Sebé |
A Smartcard Solution for Access Control and Trust Management for Nomadic Users |
Daniel Díaz, Andrés Marín, and Florina Almenárez |
5:20 pm |
IFIP WG8.8 Meeting |
07:30 pm |
Wine reception at the Tarragona City Hall |
Thursday, April 20, 2006 |
9:00 am |
Registration |
9:30 am |
Session - IV: Smartcard Networking (Chair: Francois X. Standaert) |
Designing smartcards for emerging wireless networks |
Pascal Urien - Mesmin Dandjinou |
Smartcard Firewalls Revisited |
Henrich C. Pöhls, Joachim Posegga |
Multi-Stage Packet Filtering in Network Smart Cards |
HongQian Karen Lu |
10:45 am |
Coffee |
11:15 am |
Session - V: Cryptographic Protocols (Chair: Francesc Sebe) |
Anonymous Authentication with Optional Shared Anonymity Revocation and Linkability |
Martin Schaffer and Peter Schartner |
SEA: a Scalable Encryption Algorithm for Small Embedded Applications |
François-Xavier Standaert, Gilles Piret, Neil Gershenfeld, Jean-Jacques Quisquater |
Low-cost cryptography for privacy in RFID systems |
Benoit Calmels, Sebastien Canard, Marc Girault, and Herve Sibert |
01:00 pm |
Lunch |
02:45 pm |
Session - VI: RFID (Chair: Joachim Posegga) |
Analysis of power constraints for cryptographic algorithms in mid-cost RFID tags |
Tobias Lohmann, Matthias Schneider, Christoph Ruland |
Noisy Tags: A pretty good key exchange protocol for RFID tags |
Claude Castelluccia and Gildas Avoine |
MARP: Mobile Agent for RFID Privacy Protection |
Soo-Cheol Kim, Sang-Soo Yeo , Sung Kwon Kim |
04:00 pm |
Coffee |
04:20 pm |
Session - VII: Cryptographic Protocols (Chair: Josep Domingo-Ferrer) |
Optimal Use of Montgomery Multiplication on Smart Cards |
Arnaud Boscher and Robert Naciri |
Offline Group Signatures with Smart Cards |
Jean-Bernard Fischer and Emmanuel Prouff |
06:30 pm |
Guided tour of historical Tarragona |
09:00 pm |
Gala Dinner |
Friday, April 21, 2006 |
09:30 pm |
Session - VIII: Formal Methods (Chair: Pieter Hartel) |
Certifying Native Java Card API by Formal Refinement |
Quang-Huy Nguyen, Boutheina Chetali |
A Low-Footprint Java-to-Native Compilation Scheme Using Formal Methods |
Alexandre Courbot, Mariela Pavlova, Gilles Grimaud, Jean-Jacques Vandewalle |
Automatic test generation on a (U)SIM smartcard |
Céline Bigot, Alain Faivre, Christophe Gaston, and Julien Simon |
10:45 am |
Coffee |
11:15 am |
Session - IX: Smart Card Applications (Chair: Pierre Paradinas) |
Smart Cards and Residential Gateways: Improving OSGi gateways services with Java Cards |
Juan J. Sánchez, J.A. Vigo, Daniel Díaz, Ralf Seepold, Natividad Martinez |
Zero Footprint Secure Internet Authentication using Network Smart Card |
Asad M. Ali |
An Optimistic NBAC-based Fair Exchange Method for Arbitrary Items |
Masayuki Terada, Kensaku Mori, and Sadayuki Hongo |
12:30 pm |
Closing Session - Best Student Award |
01:00 pm |
Lunch |